grey as sun
Monday, January 30, 2006
Today's word is hustle. why? well... a) I'm always having to hustle and bustle to work/school/the gym, etc. b) I saw Kung Fu Hustle over the weekend. Now, I'm not a huge fan of Kung Fu movies, and this was a legitimate Kung Fu movie, in my opinion. However, tiny bits of awesome slapstick was thrown into the mix, making it rather humorous to me.

In other news, school is in FULL swing, and I will be CRAZY busy with it this semester. I have 2 classes that are run like design studios, and 1 that will require reading of thousands of pages of books, which I suppose is okay, just time consuming. On top of a job, this can get rough. Of course, I work on my school work at work sometimes, but that's when it's slow - when I get a new job, I don't think that I will be as lucky.

I laid out the design for the new cover. No text yet, but I do have design going. It will be tunnel-book-erific. The music has stalled in favor of design, but fear not... grey as sun is ALL about the music ;-).

I'm out. Talk later churrens!
posted by grey as mike @ 3:03 PM   0 comments
Friday, January 27, 2006

demo #1 fixed

Have a good weekend, folks. Lots getting done on this end. Good times...

If you have any comments, please leave them - I could really use the feedback!
posted by grey as mike @ 5:03 PM   0 comments
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
So, I think it's no secret that I'm on the liberal side of the fence when it comes to society and its issues. At its core, being a democrat or liberal or independent has more to do with bettering society and providing opportunities for the little guy to make a name for himself. This, of course, is/can/will be argued from many points, and it also is such a generic generalization on my behalf that it almost doesn't stand any merit anyway...

The conservatives, on the other hand, are big on hands-off government, less taxes, less roles in society, etc. I would like to say, though, that I don't believe this current conservative government is such, seeing how the war and varied other things going on are costing us more than ever, and they're kind of imposing their moral standards on all of us (gay marriage, abortion, etc.). Once again, this is/can/will be argued from many points, and it also is such a generic generalization on my behalf that it almost doesn't stand any merit anyway...

Now... let's get to my point for today. The 90's were a time of Democrat/Liberal takeover in US government. Demographics changed, some scandals arose, things were said and then the Republicans/Conservatives took over. Now there are changing demographics, scandals in government, things being said, and a lot of people are wondering if the control of the conservatives will last. Well...

If we're any model of fickle, slow and contentious government, then it should come as no surprise that after many years of Liberal rule in Canada, plagued by scandal and a changing demographic, that a Conservative comes in at a narrow margin to switch things up. Like in the US, they will probably try to impose their morals on its people, etc., etc.

What sucks is that I have 2 friends, one from the US (who is a vietnam vet, btw), and another from Bulgaria that can't get US citizenship, and has to deal with an exhausting process of getting a work visa every year. For all respects, they are married, but since they are both men, they can't have that legally here in the US, which means that one could get deported and that's that. So they moved to Canada, got married, and now they have a secure home and citizenship in Canada.

So now what? This conservative guy opposes gay marriage... What if he overturns it? Are they stuck at square one again? Is that fair to give something life-changing like that to someone, and then take it away? Is that how democracy works? How is this fair in any way whatsoever? If conservatives want less government interference in people's lives, then why are they so concerned about this? Why did someone that risked their life by going to war for this country have to give up citizenship and move to Canada to marry the person he loves? And why does he have to again deal with the fact that someone in power thinks it's not right for him to do so in the first place?

I guess these are just things going through my head. It all runs through cycles... Politicians work hard to overcome their opponents, and when it happens, they get greedy, and people get sick of them... it's like a giant teeter-totter (is that how you spell it?)... Eventually one side has to come down and the other up. What sucks is that under one party, some people get more rights, and under another, other people get more rights... but it's never everyone getting more rights, and that sucks. A lot of the lyrics I've jotted down deal with this in some fashion. Even if they're about someone, some kind of politics infiltrate. Maybe that's why I don't like my lyrics, lol...

Anyway, sorry to bore you. I'm gonna try and get some shit done today. Have a good day!
posted by grey as mike @ 9:20 AM   1 comments
Friday, January 20, 2006
never has a word come along in the context of making people laugh been so rightfully made into a legitimate word ever... truthiness.

"...truthiness refers to the quality of preferring concepts or facts one wishes to be true, rather than concepts or facts known to be true." - American Dialect Society.

Why am I blogging about this? Well... first of all, it's hilarious. The subsequent angry 'Colbert Report' skits are also pretty funny. Overall, I give it a funny-factor of 6.5-7 out of 10. Secondly, it's PERFECT for what I'm about to talk about...

James Frey, people... I cannot BELIEVE that people are still talking about this guy and his stupid book. OH MY GOD! WHO CARES?!?! It's a book, not a Nazi uprising. He embellished a few details in, what is found to be, a mostly true story. I would seriously like to meet the idiots that found it inspirational, then heard the news, and dove right back into a life a drugs and deprevity. Mostly so I can slap them across their drug addicted faces, and hopefully knock some sense into them.

Now, from the above, you get the sense that I don't really see this as a big deal, right? Well... as recently as a few years ago (early 2000's), I would do the same thing. *shock, awe!* I know... Even I'm surprised that someone as perfect as myself has faults. Who knew? To drive home points or emphasize something in a funnier context, I would totally embellish stories... Even one time flat out LYING about something that never even happened. Why? I don't really know. Perhaps to sound cooler, or just to put myself into a conversation with something of value to add...

Either way, I learned the hard way that this was just stupid in an infamously embarrassing car ride with Megan and Little Chris on the way to a Thursday (the band, not the day) show at the Fireside in 2002 (you know what I'm talking about, Megan). Since then, I've cleaned up my act. Just not worth the embarrassment.

I guess the whole big deal here isn't that he fibbed or embellished, but that he sold it as though he hadn't. I guess I see things like this... Megan and Little Chris have a personal knowledge of me, and what I did was stupid and made me look stupid. These people that have this problem with this guy don't know him personally. And keeping him in the spotlight makes them look just as stupid as he's made himself look.

I also guess that talking about him on my blog makes me no better than them, but I think I'm at least providing another point of view from the guise of... who cares? Read the book, and think of it as a memoir with that little extra PIZAZZ! (said while making jazz hands at the computer). Besides, I'd like to know how many junkies are reading this book? Aren't they spending their money on drugs instead of books as it is? How is this book changing lives, other than taking up time between dropping the kids off at school and brunch with the girls? Stupid...

In other news, I registered the domain for the design portfolio. It's not posted yet, but it will be Cool, huh? I'm excited.

If anyone knows flash, and knows how to setup so that whenever you click a button, its link opens in the same popup window everytime, please let me know. I would really like it if you could do that for me. I'm also having trouble with the buttons going to different frames for no reason.

The target date of completion for that is Jan. 27. That also goes for the Music site. Yay! I'm also recording one more song this weekend and posting that. OH, which reminds me...

I never actually fixed the link for the demos yet, so I'll post those on Monday (or before) with the new versions. My apologies...

Have a good day, kids, and have a good weekend, too!
posted by grey as mike @ 10:46 AM   0 comments
Thursday, January 19, 2006
So... Once again, here I am. It's been a week since I last posted. That's a sure sign that things are picking up once again this year.

Before I go any further, I would like to say that someone FINALLY put a comment into the comments section of this blog. THANK YOU!!! I was starting to feel unloved. The problem is that I have NO IDEA who it was that wrote it (I think it was Bruno from Stockholm, but I'm not really sure). If you post anonymously, just put your first name down or something. That way I know who's who...

As for the problem experienced, if you right-click on the song and go to "Save target as...", you will be able to download the songs to your computer and listen to them that way.

With that, I'm gaining steam and building momentum so far this year! Here's my latest progress:

1) The design site is near completion. I just got my physical artwork in after taking pictures of the works last night (with the help of the lovely Megs holding stuff up). I got my resume updated today to put onto it. Now I just have to get my photos put in, and figure out how to get the works to open in the same pop-up window once they are clicked. I'm like... *THIS CLOSE* (I'm making a gesture with my fingers showing a small space between my index finger and thumb) to being done.

2) The music site is pretty much done, except for the photos section. I decided they're just going to be thumbnails, and you will all just have to deal with that. Sorry...

3) I went shopping at Banana Republic, and walked out with 2 pairs of pants, a sweater, 2 t-shirts, 2 long-sleeve shirts, a button down shirt, some socks and underwear and a 10% off coupon for getting a service survey. Good times, eh?

4) I started the protein shakes, and they aren't terrible. When I use milk instead of water, add strawberries and raspberries and a little sugar, it's actually a little tasty. My goal this year is to get to 175 (I'm 165 now). I think I can do that.

5) My car goes in tonight to get fixed again. What a pain, eh? (What's up with me and "eh?" today?)

6) The music flows through me like spyhillis in a crack-whore! I re-recorded demo #1 with instruments that stay in tune a little better. I also played with the levels so it sounds a little better and cleaner. Check it out. With the music goal met (remember I said I was only going to record 2 songs back in December?), I wanted to try and record 2 more before school started, but I may only get to 1 more, as the other is requiring more drum sequencing than I had prepped for. (Did that just rhyme? Does this mean I can throw it DOWN!?!? Yo! Gimme some PHAT BEATS!!!)

There you have it, people. Again, leave comments, and if you post anonymously, leave your name so I know who you are. Toodles!
posted by grey as mike @ 2:05 PM   0 comments
Thursday, January 12, 2006
I feel the need to apologize for the post the other day. I guess it sounds a bit down and hopeless. I didn't mean for it to be so. I also didn't mean for it to be so long. But alas, it was, and my apologies go out to you, my ones of readers.

The past couple of weeks have been focused on getting the new grey as sun website going. Flash is a bitch of a program sometimes, but I'm winning in the fight to have it do the stuff that I want it to do. Good times!

The music part of the site is pretty much complete (except for pictures and links - not sure how I'm gonna do the pictures yet). The design part of the site has just been started on today, but major progress has been achieved. Look for this new site sometime around the end of the month.

Speaking of the end of the month... I start school the 23rd. It's going to suck, and I don't know how I'm going to pay for it. YAY!

Can you tell I'm bored at work? I can tell you that I got the drum sequence for the 4th song that I'm hoping to post before school starts. Now, again, with these songs, lyrics aren't my strong suit, and I don't want to put out something stupid and/or rushed. So y'all will just have to chill with that, but I feel like I'm making great progress with the music and the new website. That counts for something, doesn't it?

Boys and girls. My ones of readers. I emplore you. Support me, and your lives will be better than $10 million worth of lives. I swear. You'll see.

Ugh, I feel like eating candy...
posted by grey as mike @ 1:38 PM   1 comments
Monday, January 09, 2006
Here are a few things I've been thinking about lately (in no particular order):

1) Condo. Investing is the way to go, and now that I'm rapidly approaching my late-mid-20's, I realize that my early-late-20's are just around the corner. IF I DON'T INVEST, I COULD DIE!!! Not really, but I have been debating looking into what a condo would take. I'd imagine association fees, taxes and mortgage payments. Roughly, about $1200-$1300/mo. This is substantially more money than I pay per month on rent at the moment, but I've got it on the brain and it's something to get familiar with.

2) School. Right now I have it setup so that I graduate in Spring of 2007. This requires taking 3 classes over summer, or 1 class over summer, and 5 classes in both fall and spring semesters of next year instead of 4. It's going to be rough, but I feel getting it done in this manner will help me stay focused and move me ahead in my career at the pace I want to do so. So far, I've gotten all A's the 2 semesters that I've worked full time. Oddly enough, I feel that working part-time would inhibit my grades, as I tend to get lazy if it's not a constant GO-GO-GO environment for me. This DOES take a toll on my social life and emotions, but I deal with that on my own and know it's all for a good reason.

3) Work. My current job requires little effort. However, The pay has been the same for 3 years, but my bills have increased and I find that I'm more and more strapped for cash, especially with school books and supplies, etc. The benefits are cheaper to get on my own, and vacation is limited to 1 week per year. Now, I'm not a benefits/vacation whore, but I feel some motivation should keep me here, and it's lacking, so I feel the need for a new job. This, however, is complex for me. My portfolio only has maybe 6 pieces, and I feel 10-15 is the right amount for design gigs. I'm also currently in school for design, so I feel that since my degree isn't done, that may inhibit my ability to find work at a design studio or graphics company. I could probably find another job like my work at IBM, but that's not really where I want my career to go, and I'd like to be doing something in my field of study and long-term career goal. Either way, today I suppose I should work on the website and get things done with that so that I not only can use it for the portfolio, but I can also have an online portfolio attached to it. My resume is updated, so I think I'm on the right track here... Just need to get some things done.

4) Music. I'm a terrible lyricist. I try too hard to be poetic and profound, but I'm just not poetic or profound. I'm a cynical, sarcastic being that views the world in a logical manner and keeps his emotions in check. As most of my friends know, I rarely care what a singer sounds like, as it's the music that I'm usually attracted to when listening to new bands (unless the singer is REALLY REALLY annoying). I also am not a singer. Singing is going to be a new thing for me. So lyrics for the 4 completed songs I have done thus far will be difficult to write, and even more difficult to sing. I know I can carry a note, but having never fronted a band, I don't feel I have the control to change pitch correctly and don't know if I can handle singing for long periods of time. It's VERY intimidating. I did do some singing (well, talking in a singing manner) a while back to see what I sounded like, and found that I sound a little like Billy from Oh My God, or really any singer that has a deeper, loud voice. But is that fitting with this music that I'm making? Will I be able to write lyrics that match the voice and the music? It's going to be hard times on me, people.

5) Health. Last year, I gained 20lbs from working out between Memorial Day weekend and the end of 2005. This has also caused me to get a little pudgy (yes, even thin people can get fat - we may not increase our clothing sizes or anything, but tone goes away and our stomachs look a little pudgy). Now, even though I've gained 20lbs, there aren't a lot of people that notice, which is a sure sign of how pathetically thin I really was. My goal is to gain another 10lbs, and just stay there. But I can't seem to get over this 20lb hump, so the only logical solution is to start cutting carbs in order to increase protein, and help lose some of the fat that comes with gaining muscle without doing cardio, and start taking whey protein shakes. These days, I am concerned with my health and how I feel as a result of working out and keeping healthy. I guess one goal of mine is to replace soda's with water and juice, but I never made that a resolution or anything. Perhaps I should...

6) Taxes. I'm not sure what to do here. I thought I could deduct things like books and computers and such from my taxes, but I guess that would be less than the standard deduction from what someone told me last night. All these student loans and such - I just can't take it... Taxes will not be fun this year, and who knows what the hell I'll end up doing.

7) Bars. I went to a bar every night from Thursday to Sunday. I really just don't like them. Once in a while is fun, but 4 nights in a row, and it's just a nightmare. Same people, same drama, same nasty-ass smoke smell on my clothes and skin when I get home at night. It's a bit much...

I guess that's really all I've been thinking about these days. Lots of things, not a lot of time to have them all floating around at once. They aren't in any particular order of importance from the other. Just items that need processing and to be taken care of.

Anyway, you guys have fun today, and I'll talk with you later.
posted by grey as mike @ 9:26 AM   0 comments
Friday, January 06, 2006
So here we are again... I'm at work. Chances are that you are not. That makes me hate you... with a fervor unbridled by none.

I'm listening to the Smashing Pumpkins. For those of you that don't know, about 4 times a year, I get 90's-itis, which causes me to not only listen, but rock out, to grunge bands from the 90's. And I'm not ashamed of it... AT ALL!


So now that I've told you that... I suppose that I can tell you how F-ING BORED I AM! I really wish I could just get a design gig already and leave this world of insanity. Who knows. Maybe I'll be able to break free and live in peace one day. But probably not, and what would I bitch about then? OH, I forgot that there will always be idiots... UGH, I'm so STUPID sometimes!

This still doesn't satisfy my need to not be bored. Therefore, I hate everything all the time and forever at this very moment.

I am however, well-rested and ready to workout and eat dinner - even though it's like 2pm. Supposedly, I'm going out with suburbs David tonight (there's another city David now, and since both of you refuse to answer to Dave, it's the only way I can separate you 2 - sorry guys [but more importantly, I'm not sorry]). Perhaps to dinner as well... who the hell knows... NOT ME!!!

Taylor comes home tomorrow from Australia. This means no more walking around the house nude, showering with the door open, leaving the front door unlocked with a note that says "first bedroom door once you pass the kitchen," no more recording in the living room and leaving my instruments laying around... le-*SIGH.*

Oh, by the way, I'm now listening to the Smoking Popes - in continuation of my 90's-itis.

I'm hoping to have vocals for those 2 songs, and another song done by January 23. Maybe even 2 more songs, but I'm not pressing my luck. I know how I get once the pressure rises. If this were for a grade, they'd be done already, but since I'm the sole assigner and student, they have to be good. OH, and leave comments, damnit. If you're my friends and don't want to offend me, just post anonymously - a) I won't be offended if it's constructive and b) even if I were offended, I wouldn't know who you are. So leave em, DAMNIT!!!

Oh, and I'm hoping to have the website done by that time as well. Fun, eh? Lots of work, but I want it done before summer this year. I'll probably have to take classes over summer, so I won't have the same amount of time that I had last summer to dilly dally with this *S!

I'm out... Later bitches!
posted by grey as mike @ 2:08 PM   0 comments
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
So I'm on my morning commute to work this morning...

The bus is once again full - Long gone are the holidays, where the once crowded bus dwindles to an "able to sit down" paradise, where even your backpack gets itself a seat... Either way, I'm well rested for the most part, and looking forward getting a starbucks coffee (or chai tea), and an omelette or something from the cafeteria at work.

It's foggy outside, and I'm facing the lake while standing awkwardly on the bus. When what do I see as we turn the corner just past the Michigan Ave. exit on Lakeshore Drive? THAT'S RIGHT!!! You guessed it...

NESSY HERSELF!!! She must have swam from the waters of Scotland and taken up residence in Lake Michigan (or Lake Michicago, as I've been calling it these days). Why would she do this? Why, the answer is simple... She is SICK of hearing bagpipes... I mean, seriously - how many hundreds of years can you go listening to those things day in and day out? Ugh...

So that's all I've got today folks. Hope you're enjoying the demos. Feedback would be awesome, so leave comments if you like, regardless of good or bad opinion...
posted by grey as mike @ 9:07 AM   0 comments
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Name: grey as mike
Home: Chicago, Illinois, United States
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