grey as sun
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
I just finished a bauhaus poster for my type class. Basically, we're recreating type-heavy posters from different art/design movements and then compiling them into a book that we make the last week of class.

It's interesting because I don't know that I'm really all that into this class or this project. It could be worse, and I'm ahead of the game, which is why I'm able to blog in class at the moment. I could work ahead, but then I'd have nothing to do next week, and... well... that would suck. A lot.

On the condo front, there is a light - albeit flickering - but we'll see. I'll talk more about that as it comes about.

On the design front, there isn't much to be said. Still doing the minibar stuff, but looking for other things to throw into the portfolio. That site should be new in the coming weeks, and possibly the new grey as sun site as well. I'm dumbing them down because I feel like when I try, it's trying too hard, and when I just do them, they work better. So be prepped for that :-).

On the personal side, things are good - my weekend was a BLAST - spent a lot of it with my new buddy Brian, who I hope to see more often (although I've seen him quite a bit the last couple weeks, so... I guess "I hope to see him about the same amount" would be the correct way of going about that). Everyone seems to be in a good place at the moment, and things are looking up - summer is upon us, as is my beard and longer hair (I do it backwards, grow out the hair and beard when it's warm, trim it up when it's cool - dunno why).

It JUST started raining outside. Makes me glad that I drove today - I hate waiting for the bus when it's raining, and then dealing with idiots who don't know how to close an umbrella on the bus. I suppose we're all guilty of it, but it's still annoying.

I'm writing more lyrics and hoping to get an acoustic EP out soon - Brian (mentioned earlier) has stuff I can use to mic stuff well right into my computer. My equipment has all but disappeared and/or broken in some fashion, so that will be a nice break. I only have 4 songs that I feel are complete. More get written, and I think they're done, but then I hate them a couple weeks later. This is why I need people to write with - it's hard to bounce ideas off yourself and keep an open mind for each part - cause in your head, it's one way - and you can't get another persons take without... another person!

I guess I should get going. Have a good rest of the rainy day - go out and run around in it, then makeout with someone you love! Just make sure I'm there to yell "GET A ROOM" when you do it...

posted by grey as mike @ 2:55 PM   0 comments
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
I have identified that I'm slow to rush into things. This is good when dating, but bad when looking for a condo.

The one I chose apparently had a contract on it, so now I'm back to square one, and I'm worried - cause it's in like... a month that I have to move. EEK! Looks like I might be moving in with friends if I can't find something soon. :-(.

Either way, I'm not stressing about it yet - I still have time, and there are still options. Not gonna freak out, lol.

I had class today - the teacher is interesting, and I'm not sure I understand him most of the time. It's not pretty. I had to leave early today to go look at more condos, and I don't think he was ALL too pleased about it.

The condos I saw were odd - One was right out of the 60's - an old man died, and it was an estate sale. Large place, not updated at all - GREEN SHAG CARPETING!!! This guy had this small organ too that was SO COOL! If I don't get the place - I want the organ.

Another was listed as a 1bed, but it was most certainly NOT, and that kinda pissed me off - complete waste of time - I'm not going to spend $200k on a STUDIO - that's a bit excessive for amount of studio I would get.

The other was a first floor 1bed, and it was laid out weird - the room was tiny and angled, which bugged me... Plus, there's a security concern of mine being on the first floor, and seeing how easy it was to remove the windows completely in order to clean them/murder everyone in the house.

*sigh* I then went to the used bookstore to look for some reading fodder - none of the 2 books that were suggested to me were there - I don't read much, but I don't know... I should. I just like satirical things most, as they make me laugh, but who knows. One of the things that I think about in my future is being able to read with someone I'm dating - just like, on some afternoon with nothing to do, and we each read our respective books... I dunno, seems like something so mundane, and yet stable and reassuring - Anyway...

Of course, I also want mannequins to be modelled after me so that I can always tell people that haven't met me to just go look at the mannequin, so... Not sure that what I think at times in my head is really worth much ;-).

I guess I should head to bed and get some sleep - lots of things to get done tomorrow :-)

nite kids!
posted by grey as mike @ 10:23 PM   0 comments
Monday, May 22, 2006
I just picked up my work from school - however, I wasn't supposed to. LOL. Apparently, the only thing I was supposed to take was the innards of my packaging, and the identity (minibar | winebar) project boards.

I won't complain, by any means, though. I can return the work tomorrow when I go to the first of 8 summer classes - they will be 9-5 on tuesdays and thursdays for the next 4 weeks. I think I'll be able to handle it - what do YOU think?

My weekend was good - Friday I had a WONDERFUL dinner with Paul, and then went over to my friend Brian's house to geek out about music - around 2 or 3, I decided to just stay over there. Saturday, I was planning on going to see Them vs. Them at Sub-T's, but instead went to a party with Brian again - rather nice little soiree in which a few crazy things happened. Again, 2 or 3 in the morning just caused me to sleep there again. Sunday I go home, grab coffee and birthday cards, go to see the family, who was oddly enough, not insane... Explanations:

My uncle bob is there, who i haven't seen in well over a year, and I haven't seen my aunt in well over 2 years (she was NOT there). He's a lot like my dad, only 2 years older, and with dark curly hair (most of which is gone at this point, and he wears a rug or a hat as a result). My cousin joined the reserves - best of luck to him!

My grandmother is not the racist vixen she once was - All they used to do is bicker and watch 60 minutes while blaming all of the worlds woes on "faggots" and "niggers" - which, of course, is just not acceptable in my book. Oh, did i mention that she once tried to spray paint my step-grandfather cause he got paint on the windows while doing some trim work? Right...

My Aunt Diane has gone conservative - and that's okay, I have no problem with conservatives, but I have a problem with party lines and hard-line conservatives that are pretty much gutless lap dogs to this administration - enough was said to show that we all differ in opinion, but not enough was said to get all huffy about it. She expressed that she's at her wits end with a lot of the family at the moment - I don't blame her.

My Uncle Tom and Aunt Carole - they're pretty much the same, and always have been. Refreshing almost.

All in all, my fucked up family isn't all that fucked up at the moment, and I was a little bit taken aback by that. In a short 3 hour party, I had brats, cake, a couple beers and some baileys.

After that, I lounged at home hoping someone would want to nab a beer, and low and behold, Brian calls! So I meet him at the new alternative bar in town, Lakeview Broadcasting Company, and have a good time... On the way out, there was an issue involving police and some of his ex's dogs, of which I will not get into, but I felt for them both.

I got up late today, and mosey'd into work, where I'm hungry as FUCK, but whatever. I'll eat when I want.

megan - If I don't talk to you before, have fun in the homeland - If I see news that northern Ireland is all of a sudden more violent to the south, I will know it's because of some loud girl and her crazy mom screaming out of a car window. Remember, you can blog when you're over there, and they have internet cafe's EVERYWHERE, so... ya know, keep us informed on the insanity.

I guess I should wrap this thing up. I hope everyone had a good weekend, and I'll post more soon!

posted by grey as mike @ 12:18 PM   0 comments
Saturday, May 20, 2006
I've been driving a lot lately - which is good, considering my car payment is high, and my car usage is... well... not.

I'm having a really good weekend. Saying that is going to make it bad, but... whatever. I'm just kinda in a good place in all the craziness going on, and that makes me really happy.

I can say that Aqua Teen Hunger Force has something to do with it :-).

Anyway, I guess I just wanted to ramble for a minute... You all have a good weekend!

- mike
posted by grey as mike @ 8:02 PM   0 comments
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
that's the word that the singer was singing when I was typing, so... that's the subject for today.

I feel productive now - moreso than before, cause I think I'm a bit ahead of the game, and not chasing my tail as usual.

I'm looking at 6 condos tonight, then teaching Karl how to use Flash (as much as I know how), then going to a show at Subterranean, I think - we'll see how that pans out :-).

I'm listening to Let Go at the moment... this is the new project of the members of The Stereo (RIP). the reason I bring this up - they actually made a song that at 2:33, they have a different song going to each ear, but it syncs up under both... They mention this in the CD booklet, but I just listened, and it's actually pretty fuckin cool! Go to myspace and see for yourself - it works best with headphones, cause you can just pull one away, put it back, pull the other away, and hear it for yourself - Oh, and pick up the CD - I think I like it better than the Stereo (and that even shocks me).

Do I feel poetic right now? I don't know...

no. i don't. moving on...

look at my fanny! look at my fanny! look at my fanny! look at my fanny! look at my fanny! look at my fanny! look at my fanny! look at my fanny! look at my fanny! look at my fanny! look at my fanny! look at my fanny!


So I was talking to my parents this weeken... FANNY!!!

cause FANNY!

Orange soda is delicious - I seriously can't drink enough of the stuff, and I don't know why. While they all pretty much taste the same, I think I like Fanta the best, cause they have those singing and dancing whores on jetski's. I like having an evil/hooky/demonesque ear worm of a jingle in my head sung by sluts and bitches while I drink my teeth rotting soda.

speaking of slutty bitches - ANTM is on tonight (thank you Megan for your new name, as it is apt... APT!), and who will win? Will it be Jade, Danielle or Joanie? Megan's choice is Danielle, mine is anyone but Jade - I won't be able to watch, though. Mostly because I really don't care that much, but also because I'll be busy. I just caught all of the episodes on VH1 over the weekend - otherwise, I would know nothing, and be content with that.

I should get outta here.
posted by grey as mike @ 11:54 AM   0 comments
Monday, May 15, 2006
It's true - I actually cleaned the house and did laundry, and I didn't have to work all weekend. But it took me all weekend to get all this nonsense done... Aint that a B?

I went to my parents yesterday - apparently the word 'mimosa' is not a word known by my dad - 'formosa' is to be used in its place - just take note of that people.

There's an air of uncertainty going around here right now, people. In exactly 1.5 months, I will be moving out of my house and into a new place, most likely by myself. It will be welcome, and I'm looking forward to it, but I'm also pretty apprehensive about the whole thing, cause... well... it's friggin intimidating. Ah well, such is life - just have to do what you gotta do.

I have some design work to do for minibar today - as well as some work trying to figure what I'm going to put on my design website and whether or not I'll redesign that as well. Right now, it takes a bit too much work to weed through everything on it, which is if someone is looking for a freelance designer, so I'm going to be making it a bit more direct and to the point - maybe. lol.

I do hope that I can see my friends now that I don't have to go to school every night of my life this summer. I mean, I still have to go, but that will be during the day, so I'm not as worried about it.

Which reminds me, I need to finish registering - crap. Ah well, I'll figure it out.

I should get outta here. Later!
posted by grey as mike @ 9:11 AM   1 comments
Saturday, May 13, 2006
That title has nothing to do with this post - I was just looking at a rubber tree when I typed it.

My last day of school for the semester was yesterday... technically, it was Thursday, but my teacher gave us an extension/due date of Friday - So I worked and worked and worked until the very last minute to try and fix everything with the magazine spreads and get the boxes perfect.

Here's a run-down of everything I had to turn in/do this week:

1) Jenny Craig Ad Campaign - including 4 different storyboards, 4 bus translites, a magazine ad, 3D promotional item, and redesigned website.

2) Mix CD Self Portrait - I had to use typographic elements, and line/computer drawings - no photography, although we could manipulate photos into graphic images, as long as they were manipulated enough for the teachers liking.

3) JunkStyle Magazine Layout - Actually, it was a book layout that I turned into a magazine layout - I had to design the cover, spine, table of contents and a 2-page spread about fireplaces.

4) Minibar | Winebar Identity - I needed to design a logo, letterhead, business card, promotional posters and hiring posters for this project.

5) Minibar Martini Minis Packaging Project - I put together little 5"x5" packages that had little martini glasses in them, with small bottles of booze, promotional items for the bar, etc. I will say that these little boxes are really cute, and i put together 3 of them.

6) Poetry Creative Project Book - I took all the poetry from this website, and put together a little 4.25"x5.5" book of poetry. This is also a cute little item, and allows for me to have my poems chronicaled (spelling?) in some fashion.

7) Literature Class Final - We wrote about Hamlet and Fences. The final actually wasn't hard to do at all, and I'm sure I did well in the class.

So right there you have 7 things which had my back hurting SO MUCH yesterday evening, and my wallet screaming that it's $100 short after all the mounting crap and specialty papers and booze accessories.

I'm not sure if I'm going to get depressed yet or not. Typically, after I go from being that busy, to not being busy at all, I get a little depressed not knowing what to do with myself. However, since I'm looking for a condo, and have so much going on the next couple of weekends, it seems as though I'll be fine - but only time will tell.

Last night I was a bumbling idiot at the restaurant my friend Chad and I ate at, and I'm sure he's weirded out by my antics - I couldn't even focus on anything other than my hurting back.

I was in bed by 12:30am, and slept until noon today - that NEVER happens with me, but it was SO needed.

anyway, i need to eat breakfast, do laundry, clean around the house and get some stuff ready for the party tonight that I'm going to. Good times!

posted by grey as mike @ 12:16 PM   0 comments
Monday, May 08, 2006
Looking for a condo on a budget totally sucks. I need to figure out how to get a better space for not as much money, but still stay in my area.

Perhaps I'll write an album about collecting trash, so that a million flies can use the acid generated to burn through a bank wall, allowing me to steal all the money.

This week is finals week - F THAT! I'm so not into anything about this week. It's costing me a ton of money, taking up all kinds of time, and the work is generally just okay (although I think I got a good lot of work from this semester).

So much work, so little everything else. No wonder I love cartoons - they're irreverent. Sitcoms still have real-life crap in them.

I wish to say that I have officially declared my hatred of art students. Before, it was like... I hated them, but it was a loving hate. Now I've been officially forced into hatred beyond any rational thought process that has ever existed. For, at the lab this weekend, I witnessed quite a few of them creating new Dungeons and Dragons characters, and going on and on for hours about them.

God - can't they just go on craigslist and find some sleezy ho-bag to have to sex with? That's CERTAINLY a better use of their time than D&D... And I'm willing to bet that a girl might be more inclined to date someone that spends their time screwing other chicks online rather than a D&D geek.

Time and time again, I have come to this blog. And time and time again, I have needed to get lunch. Why, oh why, can I not decide what to eat for lunch? WHY?!?!?!

I need to get outta here.
posted by grey as mike @ 11:25 AM   1 comments
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Tonight is a work session for Graphic Design class... That means I'm in limbo, cause I don't want to proceed on anything until I get the teachers feedback on my latest work. We'll see what happens, but in the meantime I blog here.

I can say this - I've learned a great deal about design in the last few months, and I think I'm doing a rather fantastic job at everything thus far. Lots of design work to come, I'm sure, and I'm excited to be doing it. If you know anyone looking for some freelance work real quick, I'm your guy!

I'm going to (once-again) re-do my design site and add my new stuff for the portfolio - MUCH better stuff than what's there now, so that will be cool :-).

I've decided that PowerAde is delicious - and doesn't make me jittery like caffiene used to.

I have also decided that I'm the supreme being - and am simply waiting for the gate keeper to unleash my power upon the Earth. Just don't talk to me about the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man... he doesn't know anything.

When there's a will, there's a way, and when there's a way - you're gay, and when you're gay... you take it up the ass.

To coin an old phrase... Aint that some shit? Aint that some shit, indeed...

You know what's better is Jesus, he's like 6 leprachauns.

Yea, but he's harder to catch.

I need to stop.

posted by grey as mike @ 8:23 PM   1 comments
Monday, May 01, 2006
Contrary to popular belief, the happiest day of your life will not be when you get married or when you have your first child. The happiest day of your life will be when you win a DVD player from a grocery store... IF you're lucky enough. And I would know because this is what happened to me today.

Having spent the last three days moving and cleaning, I didn't really have time to run to the grocery store to pick up some milk. I was finally able to do so today so I went up to the Dominick's on Clybourn. Unbeknownst to me, they were having a grand re-opening celebration... complete with free samples, every employee to ever exist working there, and even a DVD player give-away. So I run in to get some milk (skim for drinking and 2% for pie-making) and some yogurt and while the guy's ringing me out, the register makes this odd noise. He finishes printing my receipt and then tells me that I may have won a DVD player. I had to go over to customer service to make sure. I do that, answer a few questions and then receive my DVD player.

The funniest part of it all is that I don't even need a DVD player. But you better believe I accepted it. And still, it was undoubtedly the best day of my entire life. Nothing can top winning a contest that you didn't even know was taking place. And if something can, I'll be waiting for it to happen. You hear me, life? I'm waiting.
posted by Megan @ 12:05 AM   1 comments
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Name: grey as mike
Home: Chicago, Illinois, United States
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