grey as sun
Thursday, September 28, 2006
I will start from the beginning... including some tiddies (not the naughty things, but sounded out the same) from yesterday.

While working out yesterday, I was doing seated shoulder shrugs, and because of an oddly shaped support beam for the bench, ended up smashing my ring fingers with 70lb dumbells. I couldn't draw for class, and could barely write or type all day. A finger splint was bought, and the workout today was fine, but that's for the next paragraph...

I wake up this morning about 10-15min late. I get dressed, and go to the gym (this is all around 6am). My workout is fine, given my smashed finger situation, and I only have time to do 10min on the Elliptical (I typically do 20min during the week, and 10min on the weekends). I shower at the gym, nab some tape for the splint, nab a protien bar and go to the L platform.

When I get to the L, there is a closed brown line train just sitting there. Apparently, it was there for about 15 minutes cause a door in one of the trains would not shut. I see my friend Ryan, and we strike up some banter - it had been a while. He is seeing someone new, still working downtown, etc., etc. A new train comes along and we board. Things are going slow. Then shortly after we pass the Armitage stop, we are waiting for 40 minutes with sporadic messages about how there's 6" of track that is missing from the rails. How this happens, I guess we will never know...

So we return to the Armitage station, get out in thinking that we would just split a cab down to work. I grab a chai at the nearby Starbucks, then we head to Halsted where we grab a bus. Then we walk about 3-4 blocks to work. Total time to get in = 2.25hrs.

OH MY GOD, fuck that!!!$%&%@$ I wanted to just stab everyone. Apparently, AFTER those 2 malfunctions, there was a power outage at Belmont, and then someone got pinned under the tracks at Wellington.

In the last 4 months, there have been 3 derailments, countless delays because of construction and now this - missing track?!?! Bus will be my transport from now on... The good ol' unreliable, unprofitable bus system. AWESOME!

I know I still haven't posted that old blog... I'll try tonight before class. yes... And now I must go...

posted by grey as mike @ 11:58 AM   1 comments
Monday, September 25, 2006
So I made a post last week - Thursday night, right before I was going into class. But then Blogger started giving me issues, so I never posted it. Now, it's on my laptop but I'm at work, so I'll post it later for your viewing, but just know that it was writtin last Thursday, before this one (which, ironically, posts today)...

Nothin ironic about that shit, just wanted to use the phrase.

I took a bunch of photos with my pinhole camera yesterday. Apparently it was the light issue. I don't get it, but whatever. The point of this was to show off connotative and denotive properties in pictures - so we took a series of something that is the same, but different. Mine was the backs of cars... Cause all of them have the same purpose - a trunk, tail lights, muffler pipes, etc. - but they all have a different style. Ex., a VW Bug is more fun and feminine than, say, a Camry Sedan. Also, the tail lights are different shapes and so is the trunk. So it's the same thing, but different in its represenation. Blah blah blah, art, blah.

Friday I went out with Tim and the boys - good times were had by all. Saturday during the day, Mrs. Megan Stewart (my wife) and I went to costco to get our joint membership. Chris tagged along, and when megan left to tend the children and home, Chris and I went to Jimmy Johns, Chiasso, Pier 1 Imports, Best Buy, Blick, Design Within Reach, The Container Store and Home Depot. Then I drove him to the Black Eyed Peas show at Meigs Field. That night, I hung out at home until I went out by myself. Met up with a couple friends, but - eh. It wasn't a spectacular night by any means...

Yesterday was school work and cleaning. I seriously spent like 2 hours cleaning the kitchen yesterday. It was disgusting. I have a sty today in my eye, and I'm sure that something gross from the kitchen has something to do with it. (Yes Megan, just like the ATHF episode where Fry moves out).

The rest of the week will involve school, cleaning and working out. (Oh yea, I did that each day of the weekend, too). Fun - NOT! Although I'm finally somewhat motivated in one of my classes, as the teacher told me I'm ahead of the pack... Good times... Finally, some motivation.

I guess I'll get outta here. More updates to come later in the week...

posted by grey as mike @ 12:41 PM   2 comments
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
no titles today. I just can't think of any. Ah well...

I'm in the middle of class. Drawing. It's ridiculous. I have to draw a typewriter. Specifically its keys, but whatever. I think I just offended a kid that got thrown out of his dorm for having some kind of toy gun. He wants to draw a hook tearing open flesh, and said he needed a hook with him, so I said "don't get kicked out of this building, too," and everyone was silent. Awkward, but I don't regret it.

My pinhole camera didn't work. Well, it did - after 10 MINUTES for EACH photo! Fuck that forever. Even then, some of them came out darker than others. I had EVERY LIGHT in the house on the typewriters, and that was going to be my series... Stupid. Lemme see... there were... 12 lights pointed at it. WTF?!?! wtf, indeed.

We'll see what the deal is with turning that in later tonight. Hopefully he'll take what I have, and find that I had indeed worked pretty hard on the project.

I can't say that I'm particularly happy these days... I do what I can to keep the mood light, but school has me in a funk. Mostly cause I'm working so hard and not enjoying this GORGEOUS weather outside right now. Ugh, I just love fall-like weather - can't wait for the leaves to change.

I went to Oh My God this weekend in Ukrainian Village - they were good, and even though the stage was pretty much right outside of B's work, I successfully avoided seeing him (and probably his new guy as well), so that's a good thing.

I also went out with the guys this weekend. They were fun, and drinks were drank. I saw that new show, Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip - I like it. I typically don't like dramas, but we'll see - perhaps I'm just getting older and my tastes are changing. Time will tell.

Btw, that kid in my class that I offended earlier - is an idiot. Listening to him makes me want to murder his family. *sigh* I'm just too violent for myself these days.

Anywho... Have a good day children.

posted by grey as mike @ 3:09 PM   0 comments
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Regarding comments posted:

Bradd: Cat's ass is a term meaning the epitome, the best of the best... ex. "When it comes to Tennis, Andre Agassi is the cat's ass." OR "Paris Hilton is the cat's ass of being a low down, dirty, slutty ho-bag." I suggest using it as much as possible - for the term itself IS the cat's ass...

Megan: I should probably not tell you this, but I will shortly be finding a way to hook that thing up so I can access it from a computer to watch TV while I'm at work or school on break. Perhaps access can be granted to others that aren't me, but we'll have to see... I don't know if I can trust you to not fill up my tivo with episodes of Bean or 8 is Enough... (LOL) Those are on when it records the Golden Girls and That 70's show...

OH, I almost forgot - I would just like for you all to know that I did, in fact, take a picture of my shower (without me or anyone else in it) and turn it in as a self-portrait.

posted by grey as mike @ 10:04 AM   0 comments
Yesterday we made pinhole cameras in class... I officially feel like I'm in high school photography class. I'll admit that I never took photography in high school, but this 'build your own camera' nonsense reeks of lockers that kick open, jocks vs. goths and repressed homosexuals teaching gym class to young boys and girls.

Regardless, it will be interesting to see what photos come of this.

My day yesterday sucked. A lot. I'm SERIOUSLY debating creating a separate blog about how much the CTA sucks. I waited for 30min for a bus at my normal stop, after which I decided to go down the redline - and on the way, saw TWO - not one, TWO - of my buses drive past... Did they change the route? I'm glad they posted notice of it... Needless to say, I'll be driving to class at night from now on. I'll use my Upass during the day, when the CTA is still totally unreliable, but more reliable and in safer parts of town than at night.

I'm highly bored at the moment. Loving the fall weather, but the house is still a mess and doesn't seem to be getting any cleaner.

Megan, it's always been a dream of mine to outlive everyone I know - I even want to outlive my own children... But seeing how I'll probably be murdered 20 times over by the time I am 30 - I think you'll beat me.

Gym is going well. Still everyday. Still hard to do, but not as painful now - and I don't know if that's a good thing or not. I did notice that it's giving me more ab stuff to do, and I'm actually able to lift some of the weight that I couldn't at first. Whatever...

I hate everything.

posted by grey as mike @ 9:45 AM   0 comments
I just wanted to take this opportunity to inform the readers of this blog that for the past few days, my diet has mainly consisted of grilled cheese sandwiches and cake.

But in reality, I guess I just want to make my blogging counterpart look way healthier by comparison. Congratulations, Mikey. I'll probably die way before you do.
posted by Megan @ 12:08 AM   0 comments
Monday, September 11, 2006
I have gone to the gym EVERY DAY since I got the membership to go there. This is a GREAT thing, and something I hope to keep going. I'm seeing results, but people that don't see me naked (and maybe a few that do) probably wouldn't notice yet.

Since my last post, I have hooked up the Tivo, setup the remote, told it to record all of my shows (which it has done, btw) and I have enjoyed EVERY MINUTE OF IT!!! Megs even called to make sure I Tivo something for her. Good times... I feel so "in" with the Tivo crowd...

Today's post will be short and sweet. My place is still a mess, my job still sucks, and I have a dirty old man for an Applied Drawing class that really likes the phrase "cat's ass" (which is now, of course, my favorite new thing to say as much as possible). The other teachers include my old Graphic Design teacher, a Wicker Park looking hipster from the 80's era of design and a guy that looks like a perfect mixture of Al from Home Improvement and Wilford Brimley.

I have given up regular soda, in lieu of diet for dinner. I drink water and a little caffiene in the mornings (I don't like how it affects my brain, but it does give me a little kick for my working out), and usually water or juice/gatorade for lunch. It's tough, but I'm managing...

I still don't have a rug in my house, and my roommates couch is still not covered up. In what was going to be a sale of the couch and chair, has turned into "I like the extra seating" and now I'm stuck with grandma Pearl's fuckin' floral ugly ass staring at me everytime I'm watching something on my tivo. Efforts to produce inexpensive slipcovers have failed, and the solution was to have someone from his work sew 'sheets' together and drape them over the sofa. *NOT HAPPY*

I guess I'm gonna take off - just thought an update would be necessary.

posted by grey as mike @ 2:33 PM   2 comments
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
I have broken down and ordered a Tivo box online... It was just a matter of time, really. I hate having to spend the $20/mo for it, but the box was nearly free.

It's an 80gb dual tuner box, so that's about 80hrs of video, and it can record 2 shows at the same time. I won't have to worry about it needing to change the channel while I'm watching something, or record something instead of something else on a priority list - stupid. I'm excited, as when I'm in school, I don't catch many of the shows that I like, or new shows that my friends talk about. This will allow me to do so...

I also found the rug I want - at a nice $400 price point. AWESOME! *sigh* ...

This weekend I also got a pair of pants from banana republic, which is always a good thing - they were on sale, and they honored an expired coupon of my friend chris'.

Megs came to the rescue this week for me for a certain reason, and for that, I'm forever grateful... Although, Megan, I will tell you that T's parents weren't even in town on Friday, and didn't get back until Monday - so I really just have no fucking idea what the hell this was all about.

I think later this week, I'll be going to DSW - they have some really nice shoes there right now, and I really want 2 new pairs to replace some ratty ones I've been wearing WAY too much lately.

I still haven't cleaned my room, but I have the layout that I want - It will require a new desk top, but I can manage. Can't be too much $$$.

Apparently, there's a fabric shop at 2121 w. 21st street that Chris (my roommate) and I will be going to in order to figure out how to cover up his sofa. I want to get some fabric for some curtains (I've got a cool idea for my room) and some fabric for the couch cushions (we want a pattern on them, but maybe not). Chris (my friend, not my roommate) gave me a curtain panel that he doesn't like, and some crushed velvet fabric this weekend so I could cover up the chair in the foyer (well, the cushion part anyway). Both look good, and now I can't decide which I like better.

Needless, the point here is that the place is coming along nicely, and I can't wait to finish it and have people over. I don't think I've ever really had a soiree at my place before, so it will be nice.

I guess that's all I've really got for today, so... yea.

David, best of luck in Cali - we'll hang when you get back!

posted by grey as mike @ 11:10 AM   2 comments
Friday, September 01, 2006
I'm seriously having trouble finding one word titles that I haven't used before for these blogs. We'll see if I might finish up the year with this format, but then REVAMP for next year!!! Awesome...

I petitioned Oh My God to put up some new songs on myspace, and they DID!!! I'm quite excited and listen to them constantly. Best line thus far: "who doesn't spent and join and fight or run and talk & talk and drink and drug or fuck to fill a certain void..." I dunno, the way it's setup is good, and it's message is good - I will be going to this band when I setup my own lyrics for grey as sun.

Which brings me to - my music project. I have not heard anything from Dan about studio time at his band's place, so I don't think that it's going to happen. *Sigh* I really wish I could afford a studio, but I can't.

The site is still up and the pics are still there. I'm still working on the video surprise for later (compression and bandwidth issues). Patience.

So my next topic is this... MY BODY HURTS!!! The whole shebangabang. It is sore pretty much in every muscle group. I did legs, back and chest so far - which leaves arms and shoulders, which I'm sure after doing them will probably fall off my body. My fitness program is setup for mass building, so we'll see how the computer tracks that.

Anyway, I know too many people that go to that gym, and I also know too many people that I don't want to see that go to that gym. Fuckers. So far, though, I like the gym, so I can't complain too much. I did my first morning workout there today - it went okay, I'll have to get there a little earlier from here out, but whatever. The other 2 were at night, which I won't be able to do very often when school starts up again.

Next topic: My ipod is FUCKIN' UP left and right. I use it at the gym ONLY when i'm on the elliptical, cause unlike a treadmill, it's stable, so it's not jerking around like if I were running on a jogging path or something. What's it's been doing is freezing, so I have to reset it all the time. Sometimes it freezes, and then I get a sad-face icon, or a folder icon with a "" link below it - then I have to tap on the back until the hard drive starts moving again. I'll probably ask for a new one for xmas, but I know as soon as I get that one, they'll come out with the one I REALLY want right after xmas - a full flash memory based video ipod (aka, 30gb or more) with some form of bluetooth transfer capability. *sigh*

What I need right now is a Shuffle ipod, cause it's small enough to go in my pocket, and uses flash memory so there are no moving parts... PERFECT for the gym. What's also better is that I can use it at school as a memory stick and not have to drag my USB cable all over the place.

David - don't you have a shuffle that you no longer use? I think you should sell it to me for a reasonable price, LOLOL. (To those that don't know, David always gets mad when I ask him about apple/mac stuff - he thinks my love for him is only within the confines of the Apple store. Not true, I knew you before the Apple store, my friend).

Needless, since they don't offer a student discount on the 512mb, I need to search for a deal, hehe. I also need a large brown rug, 500 business cards, a few thousand dollars for tuition, ugh... stupid.

Why must everything cost money that I just don't have!?!?!


I guess I'm getting out of here... For now anyway. If you're reading the blog, leave comments. I want to know how to make it better!

posted by grey as mike @ 1:32 PM   1 comments
a blog is no more than than the modern journal for public viewing...
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Name: grey as mike
Home: Chicago, Illinois, United States
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