grey as sun
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Once there was a jerk... and his name was...
everything and everyone.

That's not true, but yet another disappointing rendevous with a friend of mine last night. WTF? wtf, indeed...

while i enjoy a margarita with friends - my celebration for graduating shouldn't include all strangers that smoke pot right at the outdoor restaurant table. that's just fucked up... NOT my bag.

megan - the reason i have the security on is because WAY back when thing started, i didn't have anything - and people were spamming me. I really couldn't tell you why.

I'm not sure why it's hard to log-in anymore. Maybe I should make you a new profile for the new blogger - it's as easy as logging in and there you go. But you're just posting comments, so I'm not sure how that works at all... funky.

work, work, work... work some more... fuck work.

posted by grey as mike @ 7:59 AM   1 comments
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
you have been convicted of assholeism - the punishment is death!
i love that line - pink flamingos, i love you!

megan - while your photos and such have always had me as a fan - ryan has the professional equipment that I need for large format/hi-resolution images. He also has studio space and backdrops and things of that nature. While the talent is not being questioned - the thousands of dollars in extra equipment can't be argued ;-).

Stabbings in triplicate - i like that phrase. Proceed regardless of the above paragraph, please...

Nothing much has changed in the past few days. I think I'm over my ex's - Not that I wasn't ready to move on before, but it always takes meeting someone cool to make you realize that you CAN indeed do better. :-). So that's always good.

Now I focus on many things.

posted by grey as mike @ 11:30 AM   1 comments
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Remember me?
I'm that guy that you love/hate. So welcome/fuck off...

A couple of new websites are in the works - once Ryan gets off his ass to photograph me. Two different projects, but I'm starting to think that might be a bad idea.

We'll just have to wait and see.

It's morning, and I'm running late to work. I had a really great weekend this weekend. Met a lot of nice people, and partied JUST the right amount.

I have to move by July 31 - that sucks. But, I'm over that, and starting to think about possibilities, areas, etc. It will be good to purge a lot of things, and good to get a new scenery.

Why is it that I only meet people that I want to date who don't live in this city? Kinda fucked up...

I'm off to shower.

btw - i know who wrote the first message in response to my last post. THAT ONE is getting stabbed! I'm not getting stabbed by Megan - at least not in the literal or figurative sense.


posted by grey as mike @ 8:41 AM   1 comments
Monday, May 21, 2007
you're a has-been... that never was...
My itch to start a new band is strong people. But I'm disorganized, lazy, lethargic - An overall disappointment as a human being. Tough times lay ahead...

And by tough, I mean annoying - cause I don't want to clean anything, and I don't want to do anything but watch TV, workout, watch some more TV - and go to sleep. AWESOME!!!

That's actually not true - I'm at this stage where I have SO much that I want to get done, that I can't even focus on where to start. I'm still trying to catch up with people that didn't make it to the grad festivities (Bradd, Julie/Joe... You guys are on my list ;-P). I'm also still trying to clean the house from all of it. CRAZY!

Now... They say... *sigh*... I owe em $50,000. With $50,000 I could buy 2 Impala's...

I couldn't resist - I am sorry everybody. But more importantly, and for real - listen close... I am NOT sorry, and never will be.

Now (and the real Now, not the song version like above)...

My post last week seemed so bitter and angry - NOT AT ALL. While there were a couple of defectors last weekend at the party, overall it was a great time, and I harbor no ill-will to anyone. (and no megan or jenny, none of that post had anything to do with either of you - process of elimination at this point will lead you to the right answer, ;-D).

I was gonna go to Milwaukee this weekend to see Oh My God, but it fell through after we couldn't contact the venue, get the online ticket distributors site to work, or get a hold of the band themselves to figure shit out. They have their new CD at shows, but not in stores for another month or 2. SOOOO... I emailed the keyboardist and he's gonna sell me a copy out of his house. I hope it's a bootleg version of his own CD that he made - cause it feels SO weird to go to someone's house to buy a CD. Does it not? I feel like I should get DVD copies of Shrek 3 and other movies that haven't even been released yet as well...

I got FUCKED UP twice this weekend. I never get drunk, but man... I had a few cocktails this weekend and... I'd say it was needed. No hangover's either - I'm as shocked as you. Apparently my knowledge of what mixed with what in my body causes a hangover has created a situation where I avoided a hangover altogether. LOVELY!

Today is my first Summer class for school. I didn't TECHNICALLY get my degree yet - I have an elective to take. Blah. Not cool, but it's just one class, so it's not even a big deal at all.

Alright, I'm gonna get outta here. Y'all leave comments, or stabbings will happen - lots of stabbings!

posted by grey as mike @ 9:38 AM   2 comments
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
The graduate walks without knowing he's an idiot...
So the graduation ceremony was less than stellar (filled with late starts, lame speakers and multiple A/V issues) after a wasted day at the senior show. But otherwise, it was great! (HA)

More on that later - It actually was a really nice day, and overall I was pretty happy to have gotten there - albeit, ABSOLUTELY exhausted. I couldn't handle it by the end of the second party.

Apparently, I can't mix and match my friends anymore. I'm glad they all showed up, but jeez - can I just get a day where I don't have to worry about who's doing what to who's house and what the other people are saying? Why can't I just get a day with my separate groups of friends in one place that doesn't end with me being embarassed? One of my friends even said not to mish-mash them anymore, so... Guess that'll just be how it is from here out.

Don't get me wrong - I love my friends. I just keep feeling like I have to plan around most of them all the time, and constantly think about who meets who and how that will pan out. It's frustrating at best.

I can't decide if I'm gonna get depressed or not yet - Usually, I work work work work work work to the last minute with school, and then there's a sudden STOP to everything. I don't know what to do with myself, I get lazy and lethargic and then fall into a small depression. SO FAR - this hasn't happened yet. Perhaps I'll throw myself into other projects soon enough to completely avoid it - that would be swell!

The music projects are SO close to release - years of recordings/demos/broken promises will come to a head THIS MONTH. a new site is in the works, a new sound. Might be interesting - might fail. we'll see.

p.s. - FUCK the smashing pumpkins - Billy, you claimed in 2005 that chicago is your home and you much reunite your smashing pumpkins and continue this legacy of music or whatever. You have snubbed chicago in every single way since then - opening tours in germany and europe - playing festivals that aren't in chicago. Unless you unfurl something great in chicago, this version of the smashing pumpkins sounds more and more like zwan, your most disappointing project yet.

now that I have THAT out of the way - Megan:

Of those songs posted (you know the ones I'm speaking of), Here's the highlights:

Owen - Playing Possum for a peak (there are 2 versions - they're both good)
Owen - Bad news
Owen - That Mouth
Owen - Good Friends Bad Habits
Christie Front Drive - Radio
The Album Leaf - All of it (good for background music while working or sleeping)
Deathcab - I put up the stuff you already had, but lost (or wanted in the first place)

There's a lot of good owen stuff from all those albums, but those are the highlights for me.

I'll share graduation photos when i get them from my sister and parents. I actually was pretty happy that day, and I'm glad I went through all of it. I just hope it was all enough to get me a job and stuff...

I guess I should get outta here.

posted by grey as mike @ 11:59 AM   1 comments
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
design is like a woman with a hairy back...

I have just worked for 6 days straight, with nary a break in between. It's sucked. A lot. I managed to get out on Saturday night, but it was lackluster with my brain elsewhere.

Sunday, I managed to go to the fabric store/textile place on the southside. That place was CRAZY - holy crap, crazy crazy crazy - cause crazy, and the only thing crazier is megan's mom, and even this would give that crazy bitch a run for her money. Speaking of her, I should call her - and Megan should bring her to all the graduation crap.

Other than that, I've had to develop a website, print out my portfolio again and put into a completely new format. All while preflighting my article for Made magazine and battling a SECOND cold (actually, I think it's allergies, but pretty bad ones).

I had 2 reviews yesterday for my book - technically 3 if you count my teachers review of my stuff. I hate that class because I feel like he doesn't like certain things that I do and others do, and my grade will be dependent on that - but he assured me that my book will be graded on presentation and quality rather than solely on the work - after viewing my grades, he said I'd be good for the semester - which is good. Seriously.

But the reviews were awesome - I got great feedback from Buzz Co. (somehow BOTH people there viewed my book instead of the normal just one), and the woman from Concrete already had an impression on me as she visited my portfolio class once before. Apparently my cards and logos were striking enough for her to remember me 3 months after the fact - VERY COOL!!!

Oh yea... I got business cards - they're cool. Getting good feedback. I was nervous, but now I love it. After printing, shipping, taxes and everything, it was $40 for 250 of them. I ordered them on Wednesday of last week, and got them Friday of last week. How cool is that?

But aside from my sob story of how busy I am, graduation is in a week and a half. I'm quite looking forward to getting things done and over with. Exciting!!! And by exciting, I mean... uhhh... how do I put this? Relieving? Uhhh. Hrmmm.

I'm so busy getting things done, that I don't have time to get excited about graduating. Is that kinda sad? I think it is... But my god, it will be SO nice to be done with everything and get a job doing something that I like to do. THAT I'm excited about. :-)

I gotta get outta here...

posted by grey as mike @ 9:05 AM   1 comments
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Name: grey as mike
Home: Chicago, Illinois, United States
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