grey as sun
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
So here's what happened:

08-28-06, 4:45pm - I decided that in order to get the results I want from working out, I need to join a gym and get on a program. In what I've been doing, I have stalled with the results, and I tend to skip gym times, and eat like crap. I go to the Multiplex on Halsted st. and sign up for a really expensive gym (although, to be fair, it's really nice and comfortable for me - I hate small gyms that are crowded, and it has more to offer me than the gym here in my building).

08-28-06, 6:30pm - In order to maintain a regular workout schedule, I'm going to get up and do it in the morning, like I used to do before. This sucks, but I'm going to get up from now on around 6:15am to do it.

08-29-06, 6:05am - Seriously... fuck this. I am up and awake, but this is not cool... NOT COOL AT ALL. I'm not even working out this morning. I have to do a fitness test after work, so I'm really just getting up now to get my body used to what it's like to wake up early again. Ugh...

I am cold, so i put on a hoody and have my legs under a blanket in bed. Hopefully my laptops recalled battery doesn't explode while I'm keeping myself awake blogging. If there's a chance of explosion, you'd think they'd replace the batteries a little faster than 4-6 weeks...

Megan - yes, rain on the first day of school does suck. But, ya know... so does school, so there's really no way around that.

I need to eat breakfast and like... kill whitey. I will talk to you all later...

posted by grey as mike @ 6:34 AM   1 comments
Monday, August 28, 2006
seriously... rain AGAIN?!?! On a blog day?

This morning I have so far listened to the Foo Fighters, Deftones, Broken Social Scene, and written some lyrics of my own to which I hope to get done for this song I have an idea for. If it comes out anything like it is in my head, then WOW! I think it will be awesome, but that's never really the case. hehe.

Friday I wanted to go out and party, but everyone was staying in or not calling me. Disappointed, I went to my friend Brad's house, where my half-hope of getting back together with him was dashed while talking to him in his bathroom while he got ready and 3 or 4 gays were drinking not 10 feet away. AWKWARD! I had a drink there, and then was about to pass out from being tired, so I went home. Then my friend Chris calls me about his evening, and we decide to grab a foofy slushy drink at a nearby bar.

Saturday I woke up late, hung out at the house for a while until I picked up the same Chris from Friday, and headed out to my parents house to gather a TV - a pretty large 35" TV that we had to haul up from the basement. My friend Jenny was kind enough to lend me her SUV to gather it. This was difficult to say the least. We then went to Ikea, where I did NOT find a suitable rug, then to Woodfield mall to wander to a few stores. One thing Chris noted - everyone in the suburbs is short. What's up with that? Do short people stay in the burbs cause there are short buildings? I don't get it...

Apparently in this, there was some hole in her steering wheel that was made bigger by myself - I don't recall it, and i certainly didn't pick at anything, but i was drumming on the wheel, so perhaps that did something? Either way, my apologies, and i'll try and figure out a way to mend the issue.

That night I went to a party with my friend Amanda. It was fun, but I was exhausted, so I was a little out of it. I ended the night at LBC, and then couldn't take anymore, so I left.

Sunday I woke up early. Did laundry. Cleaned the kitchen. Cleaned the bathroom. Cleaned the foyer. Cleaned the dining area. Rearranged and cleaned the living room. Didn't even touch my bedroom. Awesome!

That night I watched the emmy's, caught up on DesignStar (THAT'S RIGHT!!!#$!@^#) and then went to bed. slept pretty good, too... not bad.

So there you have it people. My weekend! Chock full of... well, not DAVID this time, but whatever. I have a new TV, a clean house (except my room) and my week is starting off with a creative onslaught that i wasn't expecting, and desperately needed.

OH, Kevin Devine plays tomorrow. Go see him at Park West. Good times...

posted by grey as mike @ 12:07 PM   1 comments
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Today is a nice dreary day - I love getting into work with my pants all soaked, socks wet and stinking like a wet animal. LOVE IT!!!

The thing about rain is that I always feel like I should be enjoying it in some fashion that I never enjoy it in... Hollywood has placed this image of people taking a break when it rains, to look outside and figure out their lives... To walk in the rain and figure out that you love somebody... To read a book by the window and listen to the rain pitter patter as you become engulfed in a novel about romance and mystery and etc. etc...

That, my friends... is BULL SHIT!!! (when you read that, please place the emphasis on each separate word, not one).

The only thing I can think about is that... well, my pants bottoms are wet, my socks are wet so I have my shoes off at the office, and I probably stink... Maybe I don't stink, but still - someone on the bus smelled like a dog that like... died. 5 times.

Fall, however, is WONDERFUL... but that's only because I like the change of season, and I like 50-60 degree weather that I can boast my hoodie as much as possible, before the cold of winter sets in, and I begin crocheting and knitting scarves to wear with my wool coat from the Gap. AWESOME!

BTW, there's photos at The link takes a while to load the pictures, but it doesn't provide a "now loading" type of situation, so... yea. There are 18 pictures - give it a sec, and then click the photos page (stupid flash).

I'm going to be busy writing lyrics and music the next 4-5 days. I'm also going to try and get an SUV to pick up some things in the suburbs - mainly, I need a rug, I need to get my parents TV from them and I need to get a stand FOR that TV. I also still need to clean my fucking room and get my house in order. Ugh...

Anyway, I guess I'll get on with my day.

posted by grey as mike @ 9:24 AM   1 comments
Monday, August 21, 2006
No, I don't have a hangover right now. But I did have one yesterday. Not fun.

Friday night, David came to town. We dined at Socca, then went back to my house to watch PCU, which I really just don't watch enough. I also don't quote that movie enough. Maybe it's because everyone quotes that stupid "You're going to wear the shirt of the band you're gonna go see? Don't be that guy!"


Saturday I hung out at the house - did laundry, cleaned in the room a little bit. It actually looks worse than it did before, but it's cleaner because I went through more stuff, so... good times.

I then went on the boat again. This time, I spent 2 hours commuting to it (thank you Robert for not giving me a parking pass, and thank you CTA for not being on time, or more accurately, THERE AT ALL - fuckers).

I got figgity-fucked up and wound up staying at my buddy Mark's house in Old Town. Woke up with a WONDERFUL hangover that took a few hours to get out of me, then I went to Target with my friend Chris. I didn't find a rug, but I did get a bath mat, spray bottle and a few other miscellaneous needs.

I then watched the roast of William Shatner. This years Courtney Love was Farrah Faucet. SHE COULDN'T EVEN GET THROUGH ONE JOKE!!! Betty White was hilarious. Someone called the black woman from Star Trek "Mammy" and there were plenty of gay bashing jokes sent towards Andy Dick and Captain Sulu. It wasn't as funny as the Pam Anderson roast, but funny enough to where I'm glad that I caught it.

I guess that's it. I'll post more later. I have some surprises for coming up, that I'm sure you will all find either cool or damn hilarious. Good times!

posted by grey as mike @ 10:33 AM   0 comments
Thursday, August 17, 2006
So there's a lost post, in which DAVID has brought to my attention. Before last weekend, I had written a post about the previous weekend. It's simply gone - I don't know what the hell happened to it or where it went, but... moving on, I'll just write about it now, so DAVID doesn't feel left out anymore. ;-)

Market Days weekend went off without a hitch. I didn't run into any ex's there, I got my funnel cake that I ate half of, and since it was cloudy, there wasn't a cluster-fuck of idiot gays tweeking on some kind of drug with no shirt on clogging up the works. I went with Bob and Steve and a lovely time was had, but... I just find Market Days to be boring. Seriously.

The day after, I went to DAVID's house in Schaumburg, where he was having a pool party/BBQ. A good time was had by all, but I had to leave early. After saying my goodbyes, and getting really mad at Ken (his roommate) for not giving me the New Kids On The Block tapes he had found in a relatives car, I headed back to the city around 6:30.

I went to a City On Film show. I hadn't seen him since his last show before he went through chemotherapy treatments for... well... cancer. lol. The show was good, but a little tame. Too much time was spent playing his jingles and not enough of the songs I wanted to hear. Whatever... After that, I think I went to a bar or something. Not sure. Anyway...

So there you have it - my post, CHOCK FULL OF DAVID! It's not the exact one I posted last week, but... hey, it's gone and this is taking its place.

posted by grey as mike @ 1:19 PM   2 comments
Monday, August 14, 2006
I don't know how it happens, but I meet people that have connections with people that just have WAY more money than I probably ever will.

Yesterday (even though I was supposed to be painting and cleaning at the house which was SO badly needed), I was on a yacht on Lake Michigan. High style living for me there, drinking and yacht, and oh my god, yacht - I WAS ON A FUCKING YACHT - that is the funniest thing ever.

Saturday, I did manage to paint a couple walls in the house. Awesome! I can't wait until this is all just DONE! I'm so sick of having mess and making more mess in trying to get this stuff done. Since I didn't do it yesterday, this entire week is now dedicated to it. WTF indeed.

Friday I went with Brad to see Little Miss Sunshine. Good movie, and I like that it plays off like it had a happy ending, but really didn't. I'd recommend that everyone go see it - it has its moments and such.

I still think Strangers With Candy was ABSOLUTELY the funniest thing I've seen all year, but whatever... I like weird movies.

I also like that it looks like my summer goals will have been met this year. That's a first, but hey - Guess you just get better with time management as you get older.

I think I'm gonna get outta here. I'll possibly post later this week, but if I don't, then the next post will be about my yacht excursion NEXT weekend... OH MY GOD, why did someone get me involved with yachters - I feel like when i get a record deal, i'll have to get a yacht and show this guy up now... seriously...

posted by grey as mike @ 1:34 PM   1 comments
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
website - check it out.

Lots of working out lately. Lots of getting in touch with old friends lately. Just lots lately...

I'm doing a website for my friend Chris - it looks good, but not sure what he's looking to do with it, but it's all good - the more work I get in my book at this point, the better.

Since I was doing his, I revamped my own - well, one of my own, anyway. I still think the old site design is nice - it has a nice digital modern appeal to it. However, my music is grungy and loud, so that doesn't really match. new site - go there and enjoy it.

So apparently I have a boyfriend in Las Vegas - megan knows why, and the rest of you will just have to wait to see how this joke pans out... why do straight guys feel so slighted when someone says another guy wouldn't go out with them? needless, he asked for it - now he's gonna get it.

Tonight I will be with some gays to watch Project Runway. I have a few friends that have these little soiree's, but I can only attend one - and that's the one with the client that gives me design work. Of course, I'm friends with him as well and it's nice to hang out with new people, but still.

Tomorrow is Andy's birthday - fucked up how I remember a high school friends birthday still. My sister Jeanine's is 2 days after that. typically, if your birthday falls between April and July, you're screwed - I won't remember, but I'm very good at remembering August through March. Ah well...

And I'm out...

posted by grey as mike @ 11:11 AM   1 comments
Saturday, August 05, 2006
I think you know you've picked the right place to live when you can stand in one spot in your apartment and hear AC/DC and Abba simultaneously... coming from two different neighbors. At 2 AM on a Friday night no less.

With that, I must be off to bed. I'm pretty sure this whole experience has induced an aneurysm.
posted by Megan @ 1:58 AM   1 comments
Friday, August 04, 2006
Please allow me to go through the things I found in my email when sorting through the 2000 emails that I have just been lazy in deleting over the last 1.5 years.

1) happy birthday emails - from when I turned 24, 25 AND 26
2) spam that fell through the cracks advertising Cialis, Levitra, Viagra and miscellaneous other ED (Erectile Dysfunction) drugs
3) songs that I never downloaded or listened to sent by friends
4) about 7000 emails from Julie, from old favorites to new ones, including the exploding ass of the guy getting a colonoscopy
5) many guys I chatted with online and just never met - which I'm glad for after looking through these emails. I need to just disconnect my internet
6) ex-bf's emails dating back to the days of Brian the opera singer - that ended in Dec. 2004, btw

In viewing these, I came to a realization... Which is...

Here it comes...

Okay, I got nothin' - my mind is a playground of the evil underlord that has stolen my thoughts and ponderings, and all I can focus on is gay porn... which brings me to my next point...

All the blogs (and I won't mention the types right now *hint* *hint*) have been forced to delete their content, as it is not suitable for everyone to view - tell me that aint some shit? I'm upset, and will now have to find a new... uhhh... source... of... stuff... yea, stuff...

My latest batch of design work is awesome guys - The Ricochet stuff looks fantastic (I have a meeting about that today with the owner), and the Minibar stuff is looking good - I did a lot for them in the last couple of weeks - a plugger, 2 posters and 2 banners for the Market Days tent. Good times!

Oh yea, Market Days - my annual eating of a funnel cake will take place... And this makes me a VERY happy camper... HAPPY$#*^%**(^%^#*^%!!!

Pool... because pool, and pool... OH MY GOD, pool... seriously.

I'm out.

posted by grey as mike @ 10:54 AM   1 comments
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Name: grey as mike
Home: Chicago, Illinois, United States
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