grey as sun
Monday, January 08, 2007
knit, pearl, knit, pearl - then reverse
I went with V this weekend to Best Buy and the Gap - I had some gift certificates to burn through. Got me a nice long sleeve shirt and jeans, along with some CD-R's and a thumb drive. I wanted the Strangers With Candy movie, but couldn't remember that I wanted it right then. I still have money on the card, though.

At the gap, V bought a scarf - I was supposed to make him one, but I can't make them very fast, and was taking too long. I bought his scarf and we're just pretending that I made it, even though I technically did not know the stitch until today. You see, the old ladies at work are marvelous instructors to me for knitting... they've been doing it for 40 years.

I learned a new and better way of casting on, and also the pattern for making such a scarf - instead of knitting and pearling in rows, you do it every other stitch, then do the opposite for the other side. It simply requires an odd number of loops, and a ton of time to sit and do it. Now you know - Perhaps I'll post instructions on how to knit this month. We will see.

Anyway - the point of all this is that I have some surprises in store - a couple ditties I threw together on my mac. No vocals yet, and that could be the breaker to whether I post or not. But, I'll post something. That's right... The only thing that's NOT done are vocals. More to come on that later.

Alright, I guess I have shit to do... You should all join me in knowledge of knitting and crocheting, and I will make it a point to teach you. Go get a hook for crocheting - size I (or 9 or 5.5mm) - make sure it's metal/aluminum. Also, get some knitting needles. I would say a 9 (5.5mm) or 10 (approx. 7mm - size 10's are probably better). As for yarn - get some worsted weight (4ply) yarn - any kind will do. I will teach you all to knit in the coming weeks before school starts...

Do I actually expect you to get these things? NO - I don't, but at some point, you'll wanna knit/crochet, and this will be your resource. Grand...

posted by grey as mike @ 10:35 AM   3 comments
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
2007 - part 1
So, here's a temporary template of temporariness for the new year of 2007.

I was able to keep all of my archives and information intact, so that should be good news for everyone involved.

2006 was an interesting year. I wrote a book of poetry, designed an entire image for a bar and its new sister bar, dated a few people that had a big effect on me and met some interesting new people that could have an even greater effect on me.

I have no resolutions, as those are useless and typically easy to break from. I just want to write more music and listen to more music. Last year, I found a ton of new bands and really have loved the music that I'm writing. yea.

I was at the gym last night, and I've begun listening to my ipod while I work out - it helps me focus on something else during break periods, and also keeps me from chatting with friends too much.

The first semester at my school, I was in a photography class. During our lab time, someone was playing a CD by The Stills, which was okay but had JUST the right mood for that period of time. Oddly enough, my friend Amanda had given me the CD a month or so earlier, so it was already on my ipod. Anyway, at the same time, I was printing pictures of J - someone I was dating. A few weeks later, we were broken up and I was pretty devastated about it - that album became the anthem for that whole ordeal, and I haven't really been able to listen to it since.

So recently it comes on my new ipod (which I set to shuffle) and I don't pay much mind, but then at the gym, it came on, and everything hit me at once. It didn't make me sad or anything, but it brought me back to the beginning, when I was in the photo lab, and someone just played a random CD that was just laying there, and I was printing photos of J while it was new and exciting.

Music can be a bitch sometimes.

Anywho - this is my first post of 2007 - many more will follow. I hope you all leave more comments this year - that should be your resolution ;-). Bradd, Julie, David - I'm talking to you guys!

posted by grey as mike @ 10:04 AM   3 comments
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Name: grey as mike
Home: Chicago, Illinois, United States
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